Category: our blog.

GreenpaceeThere’s eco-awareness, eco-consciousness, eco-activism and then, there’s Greenpeace, the defenders of our ecosystem.

Greenpeace has been campaigning against environmental degradation since 1971. It stands for positive change through action. It investigates, exposes and confronts environmental abuse by governments and corporations around the world.  The tradition of ‘bearing witness’ in a non-violent manner continues today.

We decided to join the fight and work with Greenpeace because we care about the Environment. This has to be a given, if you care about the planet we live on, there is no time more critical to saving it than right now.

We wanted to make a bigger social impact. Working with Greenpeace has allowed us to play a part in a cause that is bigger than ourselves alone.

We are always ready for a (good) fight. We’ve always been ready to stick up loudly for what we believe in. If you’re looking for a good cause to focus on, organisations like Greenpeace always need people to work on the “frontline,” we talk to people and use our gift of persuasion to convert others to the cause.  The people we work with share our passion for a good cause, and working together toward a common goal creates the kind of positive work atmosphere most people would love to have.

We all know that saving the Earth isn’t about saving ourselves – it’s about making the world a better place for all, people, plants and animals, in this generation and for hundreds of generations to come.

Taking care of the Earth is not just a responsibility – it’s a privilege.

